Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year Resolutions for 2014!

I wonder how many people really make new year's resolutions.  I think we all mean well, but my guess is... most are forgotten about.  However, the way I look at it is... even if most people don't follow through with all of them, these "better efforts" are usually a step in the right direction. 

Well this year, I have several, some pertain to home life like, cooking dinner more often, clearing out and organizing various spaces, and scrapbooking more regularly.  Other resolutions involve blogging more regularly and making new products.  I have so many new ideas and many new products in the works.  As I complete these new projects, I will post them here and on my Face book page,  Mrs. Hardin' Class, I hope to have the next newest product finished in the next couple of weeks. 

Well, today I am headed back to school.  We will start a fresh grading period and I have so many exciting things planned for them.  One really fun game I will introduce, which happens to go perfectly with our snowy forecast for most of the U.S., is my Adjective Snowball Fight.  This is one of the many activities in my Snowy Adjectives unit.  My kiddos will love getting a chance to interact with their classmates after the long Christmas break, and the snowy theme will get these Georgia kiddos hopping for the rarely seen snow down here in the deep south. 
Here's the unit if you want to take a look more closely.

In the spirit of celebrating the New Year, here is a favorite of mine, that you can grab for free.  Valentines Day will be here before we know it. Get a jump on planning and grab this great multiplication game.  Have it copied and laminated and ready for your kiddos to enjoy by the time February rolls around.

Happy New Year!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

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