
10 Things About Me

1. Hi, My name is Susan Hardin.

2.  I have been teaching for over 15 years, with the majority of that time spent in 3rd grade. 

3. I teach in a regular ed. classroom, and depending on the year, I either have ELL students, or EIP Reading or Math students come into my classroom as well. 

4. I have an EdS in Early Childhood Education and School Administration. 

5. In 2011, my peers voted me their Teacher of the Year for my school.

6.  I have been a Mentor Teacher for several years now, so recently I decided I was ready to take on the "technology" challenge to share some of my ideas outside of my school. 

7.  I began posting lesson plans and games from my classroom, on Teachers Pay Teachers in April 2011.  

8.  My products on Teachers Pay Teachers had such a welcome reception, I decided to begin this blog. 

9.  I have recently begun to also post products to Teachers Notebook as well.

10.  I am fortunate to have a wonderful family:  3 beautiful and smart children, my very supportive husband, and a very loving extended family; and I can't forget our gigantic black lab and our sweet yellow and white kitty.  

Feel free to follow me as I share ideas, lessons and products I use in my 3rd grade classroom.

You can contact me at


  1. Susan, I added you to Kim's Blog. Took long enough, but done.

  2. Hi! I just found your blog and it looks great! I am going to follow you for sure! :)

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by. I noticed your blog recently and your store. I am following you as well. I hope you are having a great school year.
      - Susan

  3. I'm your newest follower! I also teach 3rd grade!

    I'd love for you to visit my blog, Stop and Smell the... Children!

    Tab Purvis

  4. Deserves 3 As ( awesome, amazing and artistic blog)!
    I was doing some research, along with my son for his project and found this one informative and helpful. Thumbs up!!!

  5. Deserves 3 As ( awesome, amazing and artistic blog)!
    I was doing some research, along with my son for his project and found this one informative and helpful. Thumbs up!!!
