
Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday FREEBIE and Beginning Days of School Packet

I have less than one week before I go back for preplanning.  If you've been following my posts, you'll know that I am already in planning mode, working on items for the start of school.

 This packet includes: class posters for common procedures around your room, including a class rules poster. It includes 4 great first day activities and fun homework activities! There is a weekly behavior chart, behavior incentive charts, a student information sheet and 5 weekly themed newsletter formats including Christmas and Valentines' Day.

For each product, there are full explanations as to how to implement it. For example, I've included behavior incentive charts and awards and have provided a full explanation for implementing this behavior management system. Other detailed descriptions are also included.
If you are just beginning to teach or if you are just looking for something new, I think you'll love this!

 I have a great FREEBIE I want to share with you.  This newsletter template is one from my Beginning Days of School packet featured above.

If you can use it...

  1. follow my blog,
  2. like my facebook page and then click on the picture below to get your free copy.

Freebie Fridays


  1. Hi Susan,
    How can I become a pinner on the group board, Third Grade Think Tank? Please let me know!
    Mrs. Smith

  2. Hello, Mrs. Smith.
    Andrea Knight is the creator of the board "Third Grade Think Tank". Here is her TPT address. You might be able to contact her through her "question" tab.
