Monday, June 25, 2012

Manic Monday FREEBIE: Athens, Greece Compare and Contrast Double Bubble Map

Here is a Manic Monday Freebie,
If you teach about Ancient Greece,
I know you'll love it!
I'd like to share this freebie with you.  Have you been introduced to these new thinking maps?

We had a staff development class on them during pre-planning this past year, and we've tried to incorporate them into our weekly plans. This thinking map is a graphic organizer that compares and contrasts two concepts. Its called a double-bubble thinking map.

Well here is one I use in my Ancient Greece unit. Here in Georgia, one of our standards is to teach students to compare and contrast the culture, government and architecture of Ancient Greece to that of the United States. My students really enjoy the activities, visuals, and lessons in this unit.

This is one of the activities included in this unit. Compare and contrast the architecture and culture of Ancient Greece with that of the United States with this double bubble thinking map. If you like this, you may want to take a look at the full instructional unit called, “Ancient Greece: Its Influence on American Architecture and Government.”

Here is the FREEBIE... 

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

1 comment:

  1. Cool unit. My husband is teaching Ancient Greece next year. Thanks for the double bubble chart.
    First Class Teacher


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