
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Go check out my
Super Spring Sale
at my store on TPT or shop on TN.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Limited Time FREEBIES expired!

Okay, so many of you picked up the limited time Synonym Bingo and other Synonym Games and E-books About FDRfor FREE!  Yeah!  I hope you and your kiddos will soon enjoy learning with those great and engaging games.There are no more of the free ones, but if you did not get one, they are only $5 on my TPT or TN stores. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Limited Time FREEBIES

Hello all, 

Yesterday we had Field Day at our school.  I know it’s early, but our county doesn’t want all schools to do this on the same few Fridays, so we have a lottery-style system of choosing various dates to match schools.  We really like having it early so that we are not out in the unbearable 90-plus-degree heat at the end of April and in the month of May.  Yes, I am in the deep southern state of Georgia.  Our flowers have all bloomed and we had a big rain yesterday, so even our grass has come back to life again. 

Today I want to offer two great products to you absolutely free, but only for a limited time.  These two products are fairly new, and I don’t have ratings on them yet.  So, if you are interested in these products and believe you can leave a favorable rating, please click on the picture link below and download it.  You will first be taken to my store on Teachers Pay Teachers, where you will be able to access it there.  Thank you for your rating and enjoy two great FREEBIES on me!

An E-Book About Franklin D. Roosevelt:

Here are some thumbnails from this product to give you a better idea of what is included:


 Synonym Bingo and other Synonym Games
Here are some thumbnails from this product to give you a better idea of what is included:

Please Remember to Leave your rating. Thanks and enjoy.        

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Want a lot of literacy center ideas in one place? 
Well, Valerie at her blog, All Students Shine is hosting a great
Literacy Center Linky Party.
Come check it out to see
an awesome collections of fantastic literacy ideas.
Here is one of my most popular literacy center products,
featured there along with many others.
Go check it out!
Powerful Prefix Games

Easter Product Linky Party

There is an Easter Product Linky Party
at Brian's website, Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings.
Here is my latest holiday product,
featured there along with many others.
Go check it out if you want to get your classroom
in the Easter spirit of things.
Easter Bunny Decimals

Advise for New Teachers Linky Party

Are you a new teacher open to helpful advice, or an experienced one with advice to share?

Well, Michelle at Teach123 is having a Linky Party on Teacher Tips. She asks when you think about your first year of teaching or when you switched grade levels what do you wish you had known before you began? What advice can you give to your fellow teachers?

Here are my helpful hints:

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Beginning our "Testing As a Genre" unit

This week we began our “Testing As a Genre” unit.  The CRCT (Georgia’s standardized test) is just around the corner.  

On day 1, the goal was to review the different types of genres categorized under fiction and non-fiction, and discuss how to make a plan for reading them.  As teachers we do all we can to ensure our darlings retain everything we teach them.  However, after removing the rose-colored glasses, we must recognize they are only 8-year-olds (my 3rd graders) and they are going to forget A LOT! ( matter how many times you stand on your head!) 

To my surprise however, they did remember a good bit!  One student popped out, “Fairytales have magic.” Another one of my sweeties said, “Fables teach a lesson and often have animals in them.”  I was impressed with them!  But as the conversation went on, I could hear some students had indeed forgotten several key elements, so I decided we needed a refresher.  I went to my computer and referred to the charts and checklists used earlier in our narrative unit found in Fairytales,Folktales and Fables Element Detective, (showing on the smart board).  As soon as we began, there were lots of, “Oh, yeah, now I remember.”  Thank goodness!!! 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Check out this free dice generater

I found this great resource.  It is a dice generator!  I can see all sorts of posibilities.
Here is another idea...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Here Are Two Great FREEBIES!

Just click on them and they should take you to Teachers Pay Teachers where you can download them for free.

1. The first is a subtraction placevalue game that you may want to add to your math centers or play whole class. I have pulled this out to review for our state's standardized testing that is just around the corner.

2. The second one is a seasonal activity. We are in our "Resonse to Literature" unit, so I made these literature response cards make the unit more fun by bringing in the St. Patrick's Day theme. It is also my free product listed at the LINKY PARTY at Classroom Confections. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Finally!!! A Blog Button and A Signature!!!

I am tring to create a blog button, so here is my attempt. In addition, I have decided to attempt working with html code so I can create a digital signature.  Yea!!! It worked...see my name below!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Beginning

This is my very first post on my very first blog.  This is much harder than I thought it would be.  So for now, the design of this blog will be a work in progress.

The purpose of this blog is to share ideas that I use in my classroom with my sweet third-graders, in the form of ideas, visuals, and FREEBIES.  I create many of my own products and sell them at my store on Teachers Pay Teachers.  Here are some of my favorites that are featured there...
Practice measuring to the nearest 1/4 inch.
Learn the meanings of common idioms through fun games.

Your princes and princesses will truely understand the differences
between each of the genres featured here:  fairytales, folktales, and fables.